Sunday 13 September 2015

Leeds Festival - Friday

 Leeds Festival has been and gone, and after many, many days of editing I've finally finished and sent my shots over to Darkus Magazine. Hooray! The issue will be released soon, so keep an eye on the Facebook page for the official release date.

This year I only took one camera, my Nikon D7000 and switched between my 50mm f/1.8 lens and my 70-200mm f/2.8, depending on which stage I was shooting. I also took my polaroid camera along and will be sharing a blog showcasing the shots, when I finally get round to scanning them!

As always I had so much fun shooting and got to see some familiar faces, as well as meeting some lovely new people.

Here's a few of my favourite shots from Friday...


See more shots on Flickr and look out for the next issue of Darkus Magazine!
All images © Jemma Dodd Photography

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