I really need to get better at blogging more often. This one is very delayed...
Back in March I shot with Becki Lloyd and posted the first set of images from our three sets. To make the most of our time Becki brought a variety of clothing. I also took this opportunity to try out a few slightly different editing techniques to achieve something a little different to my previous work. I also decided to shoot with just my 50mm at f1/8, here are the results...
All images © Jemma Dodd Photography

For these next few shots I decided to add a pink tint to give them a vintage feel. I really like how this effect works, so will definitely be trying something similar again.
This final shot is VERY different from anything I've done for a while. I've come across a lot of merged images lately and wanted to give it a go. I really liked the background in these, so I thought I'd experiment. I don't think the results are too amazing, but there's something I really like about it.
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